
Saturday, April 3, 2010

To Do List

To Do List

1. Wake up.

2. Drink milk.

3. Eat breakfast.

4. Drink vitamins.

5. Eat lunch.

6. Read books.

7. Wash up.

8. Eat dinner.

9. Sleep.

No, this is NOT my To Do List. It’s my daughter’s which one summer afternoon she scribbled on her all-around notebook. I say all-around because it’s one thick notebook where you’d find all her kinds of drawings like Batman 1 and Batman 2 (the bad guy), a two-deck car, or her spelling exercises, and yep, some lines/strokes that look like a graffiti to an adult’s eyes (Oh, well…it’s a child’sworld anynway).

I don’t know what prompted her to write that To Do list. I just presumed that either she got bored of drawing, or simply got tired of my repetitive commanding: "Kaish, eat your breakfast now! … Kaish, drink your vit…blah…blah..blah…!" that she quietly resolved to make her To Do list and just do her tasks on her own (but this, I have to see yet!)

As I read her To Do List, I was kind of amaze to find all her words correctly spelled and her thoughts logically organized. So I sat down with her and dictated some spelling sentences like: My father is tall; I love pizza… which she got all correct.

Nope, I’m not claiming she’s a genius as never have I wished for Einstein’s genes in her. It’s just that weeks before enrolment, I was harboring some apprehensions about transferring her to another school (though my husband is 100% sold-out of the idea) which system is greatly, if not totally, different from her former school, and I fear that she might have a hard time adjusting, and eventually quit school!

But then popped her uncoached and accurately written To Do List which admittedly gave me the much-needed go signal.

And so I bravely filled up the school RF which I stashed in a shoe box and there remained untouched for weeks, headed to the bank and paid the 20% downpayment for tuition fees + P for books and supplementary materials, then presented the copy of the bank deposit slip to the school’s registrar, and presto, the RF was stamped: ENROLLED (Kinder 2)!

Now, is my girl able to adjust to her new school and cope with a new system?

Gracious Heavens,YES! In fact, next week she’ll have her first quarter exam….

And so, here goes MY To Do List for today:

1. Make a reviewer for Kaish’s exams in Phonics, Civics, Chinese Math and Vocabulary, Sci., Fil., Math, Computer, Eng., and Reading….

2. Review her tonight….

And my other to do will have to wait after daughter’s exams :>

1 comment:

  1. Luv this! Luv this! Kaish is such a wonder! She definitely has her mom's genes!
